”I just feel at home in Blækhus!"

  • 1996
  • Intercultural Marketing

Victoria grew up in a small town 40km north of Copenhagen and although she had a wonderful childhood in the countryside, Victoria has no plans to move out of the city again: she loves living in Blækhus.

”I feel at home in Blækhus and I’ve already made friends.”

Victoria is a bit of a globetrotter, having been particularly drawn to Latin America. It began with an exchange year in Brazil when she was just 16 years old, and later on she travelled to Ecuador, Brazil and Mexico for four months. Yet, Copenhagen is where her heart is.

”I’m just so in love with Copenhagen and big city life. It’s so lively, and I love that about it. I’m not so good at cycling in the city yet, but I’m practising. You have to be really aware of your surroundings!”

What do you like most about Copenhagen?

I come from a small town, so Copenhagen has simply won my heart. There are people everywhere, it’s so full of life. I love it!

As a Marketing student, what do you hope for?

I dream of the day that we do something about climate change.

What makes Blækhus special?

I feel at home and I’ve already got to know nice people here in Blækhus.

How do you see you life in 10 years?

I hope to have a husband and children, and a job that I love. I think I’ll be living in a big apartment in Copenhagen.